Crypto Currency and Blockchain Forensics

Trace the source and destination of cryptocurrency transactions

We add new chains in weeks — not years.

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Solana
  • Tron
  • Polygon
  • Avalanche
  • Binance SC
  • and dozens more

Search for an address, transaction, entity or event

  • View comprehensive risk profiles for wallets, addresses and entities, including high-risk on-chain activity or affiliates

Build graphs to trace the flow of funds

  • Trace the flow of funds across 28 different blockchains and 1,000,000+ assets, all within the same graph or table
  • Collaborate with your team in real time using built-in case management. Add notes, upload files, or link graphs, customers, transactions, alerts, and addresses to build a case.

Field Crypto Currency and Blockchain Forensics

  • The mobile-first forensics tool for frontline investigators to analyze wallet addresses found on scene.

Tool with cross-chain analytics

  • Move seamlessly across blockchains to trace the flow of funds, visualize multi-layer relationships and drastically reduce investigation time with our proprietary technology for automated tracing.

Easily identify wallet addresses and transactions on the scene:

  • Extract blockchain addresses or transaction hashes from images via optical character recognition (OCR)
  • Enter a blockchain address to search and validate it
  • View direct and indirect exposure to attributed entities

Instantly access database of 28 blockchains and 1 million+ digital assets to reveal information about addresses including:

  • Balance
  • Volume and frequency of transactions
  • Portfolio of digital assets
  • Activity period including first and last active dates
  • Source and destination of funds including connections to known services or entities

Review past address searches and associated blockchain data

  • Accelerate investigations with more efficient data recall
  • Quickly access blockchain data for multiple addresses from a past search

Escalate a crypto address to Forensics case management

  • Share addresses to specific cases with other law enforcement staff
  • Automatically notify other staff to review the escalated address

Access trainings from the world’s leading experts on cryptocurrency investigations

  • Learn from investigative blockchain and crypto experts from anywhere
  • Gain an understanding of the latest tactics in crypto hacks and financial crime

Uncover cryptocurrency evidence anywhere without blockchain experience

  • Our solution is the mobile-first web application purpose built for frontline investigators and tax authorities

Designed for frontline law enforcement staff to uncover crypto evidence

  • Surface cryptocurrency evidence by identifying wallet addresses and publicly accessible asset portfolios

Follow the money from anywhere

  • Trace the source and destination of cryptocurrency transactions

Unlock the power of Forensics’ advanced blockchain data analytics and threat intelligence

  • Determine if a wallet is connected to illicit activity including fraud, money laundering, or financial crime

No blockchain experience necessary

  • An easy-to-use interface includes access to mobile-first on-demand guides and trainings