Electronic Data Recycling

Cyber Intelligence Global LLP (CIGL) is a company delivers first class IT recycling services to the Public & Corporate sectors. Adopting best practice is not something we take lightly and we will continue to invest in systems, people and processes to ensure our operations run to the best of our ability. Our data erasure processes and IT Recycling tools are the most certified products on the market, having acquired third party approvals.

Our IT Recycling experts are just one phone call away. You can call us any time and our experts will arrange a pickup of your devices from your location. We can also carry out data erasure , Degaussing or destruction work at your place of business, and secure data destruction is assured.

Our aim is to remove the risk and hassle for our customers and become a trusted partner in this field and be recognized as a market leading service provider in the IT recycling industry.

Secure Data Erasure

Data Erasure (also called data clearing or data wiping) is a software & hardware based method of overwriting data that completely destroys all electronic data residing on a hard disk drive or other digital media. Permanent data erasure goes beyond basic file deletion commands, which only remove direct pointers to data disk sectors and make data recovery possible with common software tools. Unlike degaussing and physical destruction, which render the storage media unusable, data erasure removes all information while leaving the disk operable, preserving IT assets and the environment.

Simply deleting data from a hard drive does not mean that the data is gone forever. Considering that sensitive information falling into the wrong hands can lead to loss of business, property or reputation, or lead to civil and criminal liability, removing all traces of information stored on targeted media can be critical for data security. Furthermore, regulatory requirements for data protection and customer privacy demand complete, well documented data removal. Data deletion best practices call for complete data eraser when:

  • Disposing of used PCs and hard drives
  • Transferring a PC from one user to another
  • Meeting government regulations that require removal of customer data

CIGL’s specialists use the specific hardware device to destroy data and remove files from your storage media. Our authenticated process ensure that no traces of information will be found on media. You will receive certification of each erasure for your compliance records.


Data is stored in the magnetic media, such as hard drives, floppy disks, and magnetic tape, by making very small areas called magnetic domains change their magnetic alignment to be in the direction of an applied magnetic field. This phenomenon occurs in much the same way a compass needle points in the direction of the Earth’s magnetic field. This process is different from Secure Data Erasure process.

Degaussing, commonly called erasure, leaves the domains in random patterns with no preference to orientation, thereby rendering previous data unrecoverable. There are some domains whose magnetic alignment is not randomized after degaussing. The information these domains represent is commonly called magnetic remanence or remanent magnetization. Proper degaussing will ensure there is insufficient magnetic remanence to reconstruct the data.

Media Degaussing can be done only through some specialized hardware tools which are called Degaussers.

Hard Drive Destruction

Media Destruction

There are many ways to remove the digital data from hard drives including very highly technical Secure Data Erasure but all they don’t give the real confidence to share highly sensitive storage media with anyone. If you are security adviser of a country and your laptop carry the border security plans than you can not take the risk to hand over that laptop to repair to anyone.

In fact, the only reliable way to destroy a computer file is to Physically Destroy every hard drive where the file has been stored. Physically Destroying gives you in-house control of all sensitive and private information.   Computers have been designed to be resilient.  They allow information to be recovered if accidentally deleted or even if the hard drive has been reformatted.  Even after deleting or reformatting the hard drive, magnetic patterns of existing data still exists on the disk platters.  Physically Destroying demagnetizes the entire hard drive including the disk platters – leaving no magnetic patterns on the hard drive.

Cyber Intelligence Global LLP (CIGL) can provide media disposal for you after the data erasure in an environmentally-friendly manner. When data storage devices have reached the end of their lifecycle, take advantage of Erasure Services to prevent your data from falling into the wrong hands.