Digital Forensic Lab

Customized Setup for Dedicated Cyber Investigation

An Introduction to Cyber LAB Setup

Reportedly, the first computer crime took place in the year 1978 involving alteration / deletion of data. The level of cyber crime has heightened simultaneously with the growth in the years since. In order to meet the needs of such demanding cases, a dedicated investigating environment has become a necessity over the past. The new age lab setups combine a more advanced and wider set of investigative devices and solutions made to forensically examine a variety of digital devices apart from computers only.

Why Do You Need A Cyber LAB Setup

Getting a lab set up will only be a motivation towards elaborated investigation of digital forensic evidences. One of the key factors for setting up a cyber-lab is exploring more about the new generation digital crime cases a pattern of which has changed over the past years. The sophisticated yet advanced level of cyber-attacks taking place currently comprises of many layers requiring levels of analysis consequently.

One Cyber Lab, Many Purposes !

With your own Cyber Lab setup, precisely investigating an entire range of digital forensic cases is possible under one roof. Starting from Computer forensics, Mobile forensics, Network forensics, to even the latest; Cloud forensics; all cases can be undertaken and investigated with the help of a fully equipped Cyber Lab.

How Do We Help Setup A Cyber Forensic LAB?

We not only help you set up a cyber-forensic lab, but offer you with the best grade of our hardware, software, services, data transmission accessories, and forensically beneficial devices for a specialized digital forensics. These essential components add up to your experience towards forensic investigation of digital data evidence available in the forms of hard disks, flash drives, RAM, circuits, or even cloud storage. While most of the equipment we supply are to help in evidence analysis, others offer preservation and prevention of evidence tampering.

Equipment We Offer for LAB SETUP

Some of the basic yet highly essential equipment that we offer while setting up your cyber-forensics lab have been listed below:

  • Hardware Devices
  • Software Applications
  • Evidence Collection Accessories
  • Evidence Preservation Devices
  • Digital Data Investigation Kits
  • Other hardware Assemblage Tools
  • The Data Transmission Cables / Connectors

Our Software Services

Software programs required for digital forensic evidence investigation that will be installed on lab workstations will include:

  • Forensic Disk Imaging Tool
  • Mobile Field Kit
  • Data Recovery And Restoration Tool
  • Different Operating Systems
  • Registry Rebuilding Application
  • Password Recovery and Data Decryption Tool
  • Media Content Indexing Tool
  • Digital Media Procurement And Backup Tool
  • Packet Capturing and Analysis Tool
  • Antivirus Program
  • Programming languages
  • Open Source File Viewers

Other Miscellaneous Requisites

  • Specialized Forensic Workstation » Configured with large capacity hardware devices, Pre-installed with forensic purpose software solutions, Evidence protection and preservation devices integrated.
  • Evidence Collection Accessories » Mobile Data Investigation Kit.
  • Evidence Preservation Devices » RF Shield Bags (Large, Medium, Small).
  • Other Hardware Assemblage Tools » Wiring harness, Wall mounts, Cable ties, Wall plugs, Stainless steel Hose clamps, Fiberglass sleeves and tubes for wires, Round cable clips, Crystal plug connectors, Power cords, Hand-tools, Anti-static pads.